Cache equates. You'll need devpac 3 for this one I think.
Here they are:
movec d0,CACR ; turns on the caches
Cls.S @cls??? clears ??? bytes. In a0.l=start address (destroys a lot)
Convpal1.S @convert_stpal Convert an old st colour value to a new falcon one In d0.w=old st colour Out d0.l=falcon colour (destroys d1-d3)
Cookie.S @getcookie Finds and returns a Cookie. Supervisor only! In d1.l=Cookie name Out d0.l=Cookie value or -1 (destroys a0)
Sets interupts and plays some soundtracker music. Modules mustn't have
more than 4 voices. Supervisor only.
In a0.l=Module adr.
(destroys a lot)
Stops playing the music and restores interupts.
Supervisor only.
(destroys a lot)
Exit.S @exitifspace macro branches to exit if space has been pressed. Supervisor only! (destroys nothing)
Fades a true colour pixels from one colour to another.
It will fade 1/31 part each time you call this rout.
In a0.l=pointer to colour to change
a1.l=pointer to target colour
(destroys d1-d4; adds 2 to a0-a1)
Fades a true colour pixels from one colour to another.
It will fade 1/31 part each time you call this rout.
The difference between this one and FADE.S is that this one
fades two pixels at once and is slightly faster.
In a0.l=pointer to colours to change
a1.l=pointer to target colours
(destroys d1-d4; adds 4 to a0-a1)
Frame.S This is a program frame that may be used as a start for new programs. Just load it and fill in the blanks (there is a lot of them).
@gemdos macro
Calls trap #1
In #functionnbr, #stackcorrection
ex. @gemdos 1,2 ; waits for a key £
@xbios macro
Calls trap #14
In #functionnbr, #stackcorrection
ex. @xbios 37,2 ; waits for vsync £
@gem macro
Calls a trap
In #functionnbr, #trapnbr, #stackcorrection
ex. @gem 1,1,2 ; waits for a key £
Getpar.S (include right after releasem.s)
Gets all parameters sent to the program.
Must be directly after releasem.
Out a0.l=Address where the parameters are kept
ex. include releasem.s ; release unused memory, this is line nr 1 of the
include getpar.s ; get adr. where the parameters are kept
move.l a0,paradr ; save the result
paradr ds.l 1
Draw a goraud shaded polygon in true colour.
There's no clipping so don't draw too large polygons.
Call @initgoraud once before using this one!
In a1.l=screen address
a2.l=adr to colour table
new_crds=following table: [x,y,i]*nbr_of_points
d6.w=nbr. of points
xres equ horizontal resolution
(destroys a lot)
ex. xres equ 384 ; overscaned lowres screen
bsr @initgoraud ; call once only
move.l scradr,a1 ; screenaddress
move.l #g_red,a2 ; I want a red poly
moveq #4,d6 ; four points
bsr @goraud ; draw it
new_crds dc.w 10,10,0 ; a dark point
dc.w 200,20,$7fff ; a bright point
dc.w 140,140,$7fff/2
dc.w 25,50,$7fff/4
The colourtable consists of 32 words, each a true colour value.
word nr 0 is the darkest and word nr 31 the brightest. This is
followed by 16 empty words.
Supplied colours: g_lightred, g_green, g_brown, g_white
new_crds is a table that consist of a pair of coordinates followed
by a brightnes factor. The brightnes factor is a number between 0
and #$7fff.
This subroutine must be called once before using @goraud.
(destroys a lot)
Draws a horizontal line in 8 bitplane mode. Clipping is implemented.
This routine only uses the six first bitplanes.
In a0.l=screenadr
d2.l–d4.l =6 bitplanes
xres equ horizontal screen resolution
(destroys d0–d7/a0–a1)
ex. move.l screen+xres*50,a0 ; ypos=50
move #-34,d0 left xcord
move #67,d1 right xcord
move.l #$0,d2 don't set bitplane 0 or 1
move.l #$0000ffff,d3 set bitplane 3
move.l #$ffffffff,d4 set bitplane 4 and 5
bsr @drawhline1
Ice.S @icedecrunch Checks if the data is icepacked and possibly unpacks it. In a0.l=Data adr. (destroys nothing)
Loads a file and possibly unpacks it (ice 2.40).
In a5.l=adr. to a filename terminated by zero
(destroys a lot)
This routine releases all memory not needed by the program. Include this rout at the top of your program and the memory will be relesed properly. ex. include releasem.s ; release unused memory, this is line nr 1 of the program £
Saves data as a file.
In a5.l=adr. till nollavslutat filnamn
(destroys a lot)
Sets the falcon video registers. The data that is
written to the video registers must be a .FV (Falcon Video)
file. Supervisor only. The advantages of using this instead of
@setvideo is that this one will work with screen enhancers
like screenblaster, @setvideo won't and by using .FV files
it's also possible to get higher resolutions.
In a0.l=adr. to Falcon Video data
Out d0.l: 0=no error -1=error, no .FV data
(destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
Saves the falcon video registers to memory. Supervisor only.
(destroys a0–a1)
Restores the saved falcon video registers. Supervisor only.
(destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
Save and set resolution.
In d7.w=mode
modeequates: vertflag, stmodes, overscan, pal, vga, col80, bps1–16
(xbios, destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
ex. move #pal+bps16,d7
bsr @setvideo £
Restores the saved resolution.
(xbios, destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
Sets the physical and logical screenaddress.
In d0.l=screenadr.
(xbios, destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
Saves the current screenadr.
(xbios, destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
Restores the saved screenadr.
(xbios, destroys d0–d2/a0–a2)
enter supervisor mode (gemdos $20, destroys d0-d1/a0-a1)
returns to user mode (gemdos $20, destroys d0-d1/a0-a1)
waits for a vertical blank (xbios #37, destroys d0-d2/a0-a2)
waits for a keypress, no echo
Out d0.b=ascii value
(gemdos #7, destroys a0)
quits if a key has been pressed
(gemdos #11,#7,#0, destroys a0)
terminate process (gemdos #0)
prints a string on the screen.
In a0.l=address to a null terminated ascii string
(gemdos #9, destroys a0)
Timer.S @colour macro sets backround colour to value. Supervisor only! In value.l (destroys nothing)
All results are taken from a 1440 entries large lookup table.
Returns the sine of an angle.
In d0.w=angle in degrees with six decimal bits (the legal values are
0-$59ff or 0-359.999 degrees)
Out d1.w=sin(angle), a word with one
sign bit and 15 decimal bits. (destroys d0/a0)
Returns the cosine of an angle.
In d0.w=angle in degrees with six decimal bits (the legal values are
0-$59ff or 0-359.999 degrees)
Out d1.w=sin(angle), a word with one
sign bit and 15 decimal bits. (destroys d0/a0)
ex. move #180*64,d0 ; make it 180 degrees
bsr @sin ; d1 will now contain 0
move #180*64,d0 ; d0 is destroyed so we had better enter the value
bsr @cos ; d1 will now contain -1 ($8000)
(VDILIB and AESLIB must be included at the end of the
Creates and opens a simple gem window.
The size (xwidth,ywidth) is the workarea of the window.
In wtype equ %info move full close name
xstart.w, ystart.w ,xwidth.w ,ywidth.w ,windowname (string terminated by 0)
Out w_handle.w, ap_id.w, screenxmax.w ,screenymax.w
(destroys a lot)
Recalculates the window size.
(destroys a lot)
Moves the window. May be called at every vm_moved(=28) event.
In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
(destroys a lot)
Draws the rsrc.
This function doesn't care about clipping, so you should probably not use it.
In a0.l=adr to rsrc
(destroys a lot)
Draws the rsrc. Use this when receiving update events(=20).
This function takes care of all clipping.
In a0.l=adr to rsrc
(destroys a lot)
Activates the window. May be called at every vm_topped(=21) event.
In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
(destroys a lot)
Bottoms the window if it's mine. May be called at every
vm_bottomed(=33) event.
In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
(destroys a lot)
Returns the object number that was clicked on. This function may be called
at every mousebutton event.
In a0.l=adr. to rsrc
(It automatically takes the x and y coordinates from int_out)
Out d0.w=object that was pressed or -1.
(destroys a lot)
Loads a resource file and creates a window containg the object in the
file. You don't have to call @createwindow if you use @loadrsrc.
In wtype equ %info move full close name
windowname (string terminated by 0)
a0.l=address to a nul terminated filename
Out a0.l=address to the resource data
w_handle.w, ap_id.w, screenxmax.w, screenymax.w
(destroys a lot)
For the lazy one. This function waits for events and takes care of
everything but the close button or if someone clicked on an object.
If one of these events occur the program branches to closeevent
or buttonevent. Those subroutines you have to make yourself.
In a0.l=adr. to rsrc
w_handle, ap_id (These are created automatically if you use
@createwindow or @loadrsrc)
Out buttonevent: d0.w=number of the object pressed
closeevent: nothing (destroys a lot)
ex. ;create a window;
move.l rsrcadr,a0
bra @dowindowevents ; it will never return so you may use 'bra' or 'jmp'
buttonevent ; d0.w will contain the object that was pressed
cmp #1,d0 ; was it my button?
beq mybutton ; yes!
rts ; no!
bsr @exitwindow ; close window
(rsrc_free) ; only if you have used @loadrsrc
bra @quit ; quit